CORPORATE London Mean Fiddler
em Review
I don’t think I’ve ever heard a midget
sing before. Saying that it’s not like I’ve ever really
known any midgets; but this little guy just to the side of me was
singing his heart out. This is the uplifting power of Something
Corporate’s piano-led punk pop ballads. I’m not saying
they have the power to make midgets sing…just that the kids
love them and love to sing along, even though they’re the
least ‘punk-rock’ act of Drive Thru Records’ current
If you’ve read the Puddle
Of Mudd review I believe I sang the praises of the Mean Fiddler
as a gig venue. I still say it has far better acoustics than the
Astoria, but after tonight I think that’s the only good thing
going for the place, certainly in terms of actually getting to see
the band.
I didn’t want to bother queuing
up outside. There’s something about standing around with a
bunch of kids for about an hour that makes you wish you were somewhere
else. And as I wanted to stand down on the floor area, just for
photographic purposes, I couldn’t see the point of getting
there early to get a seat (as is the case with the Astoria).
Upon entering the venue and heading
swiftly past the t-shirt stall I found that the first support band
was already on stage. Now I’ve never heard of Steel Train
before and to be honest I doubt I’ll hear of them again unless
the world gets a sudden craving for extremely weak funk rock.
Actually I have no idea how to describe
their music. I’ve written ‘some sort of funk’
in my notebook, but that’s all I’ve got to go on as
I really can’t remember anything about them. The singer seemed
very scared though, clutching his mic-stand, and didn’t say
a word besides singing, leaving all the inter-song ramblings up
to the guitarist. The vocals were weak and the songs lacked punch
and failed to inspire. So, after quickly concluding that they weren’t
worth writing anything more about, or taking a photo of, I headed
to the bar for a vodka and tonic.
little guy had probably being queuing all day knowing damn well
that if he didn’t get that spot he’d see jack shit
all night." |
The bar was pretty full, but somehow
standing right in front of one of the barmen seems to get you served
quicker than being say 8 feet away. When will people learn? I would
have been served quicker had it not been for the underage kid trying
to get a Smirnoff Ice just to the right of me. He was pretty insistent
he was old enough but the barman was having none of it. How was
he ever going to get served? He didn’t even have a bumfluff
moustache for Christ sakes!
Now I don’t know what this kid
was going on about, but it had something to do with not having any
ID because he’d left his wallet at home. He didn’t want
to bring it with him because it might get stolen. “Ah I see,
well that’s fair enough, kid. I can’t argue with that
freaky logic. Here, have a keg.” Oh, the UV lights in the
Mean Fiddler deserve another mention, especially those above the
bar making your drink glow a weird sort of blue, so you can pretend
you’re in the future drinking some sort of robot drink.
It wasn’t until the next support band, Home Grown, came on
that it suddenly dawned on me how appalling the Mean Fiddler is
for trying to seeing the band, and especially taking photos. The
venue was pretty packed out tonight, which surprised me a little
as it was never advertised as being sold out. I guess they had a
bit of a ticket surge the day before. Because of this it was fairly
difficult to get into a good place for a shot.
I headed downstairs and stepped up
onto the little shelf they have there and could hardly even see
the band. Now at 6’2” I’m not a short guy, but
the stage is so low-down that from the back of the floor area even
I couldn’t see the band below their heads and shoulders. I
lifted the camera up and took a shot anyway, just to see what I
could get. This was the result:

See, pathetic. And that was lifting
the camera way up in the air too! I feel so sorry for anyone shorter
than 6’ in that place. I headed back upstairs. At this point
I wasn’t even really listening to Home Grown (who I hadn’t
heard of before but are a very well known Drive Thru band (God I’m
losing touch!)), I was set on trying to find a good photo spot;
so I’ll get to the music soon, but just bear with me for a
The upstairs is basically split into
two sides. Right in front of you is some sort of room, probably
for lights and stuff, so you can’t see a thing. Off to the
left is a sit-down bar which has a narrow viewing area (just like
the other side) except its all behind Perspex.
This only leaves the right hand side,
which has this narrow viewing area which in all fairness provides
a very good spot to see the band. However, the more central area
is always jam packed pretty much straight away, as I found out when
I tried to sneak in there to get a shot. I sort of managed it somehow,
but I was behind some Japanese girls who were NOT going to budge.
The other problem with these viewing
areas is that the gaps are kind of low down, which is a pain for
me, resulting in neck strain. Anyway, some big lug came along and
was leering over me to be near his girlfriend. As much fun as THAT
was I decided it was time to find a different spot.
So this leaves the side, which again
is a good vantage point, but because of the PA system anyone to
the left of the stage (their left), is usually hidden behind Marshal
It was the back of this side area (near
to the centre) that this midget kid (let’s called him Warwick)
had set up camp. And can you blame him? The little guy had probably
being queuing all day knowing damn well that if he didn’t
get that spot he’d see jack shit all night - so good on him.
Home Grown were pretty good - your usual Drive Thru high powered
pop punk really, but without much to differentiate them between
the barrage of other similar outfits. Not that I find this a problem
– it’s all good music, and if they’re playing
it because they like it then that’s cool. I do have to draw
the line at the cover of ‘Barbie Girl’ though. How recent
are these covers getting? And how desperate are the bands getting
to find cheesy songs to cover? Anything from the 80s has that nostalgic
feel to it, so it’s going to bring a smile to your face…but
Barbie Girl?! That was only a few years ago – which is too
recent to bring a nostalgic smile, and induces more of a painful-memory
everyone, throw cheese at my ass! Throw it! And grapes too!." |
The kids seemed to love it though,
and Home Grown’s bouncy upbeat punk got them jumping, which
is always a good thing. They were also quite psyched to be playing
in London having “waited 8 years to play here” (I think
that’s what he said anyway). You could feel that enthusiasm
and energy through the music and it all went to making a damn fine
Highlights included the instrument swapping, which I’ve always
been a huge fan of, and the drummer deciding to drop his trousers
and show his ass to the crowd. I think he gave reasons for this,
but I couldn’t make out what he said. Probably something along
the lines of: “I’ve always wanted to show my ass to
the crowd. Now everyone, throw cheese at my ass! Throw it! And grapes
too!”…something like that maybe.
The time between Home Grown leaving
the stage and Something Corporate making an appearance was spent
trying to find a good vantage point for photographs. Which led me
to setting myself up next to Warwick, and a girl I presumed was
his sister, erm…Dionne (sorry). All their mates ditched them
and went down onto the floor to rock out, hence me getting a good
place near them. Dionne stayed with Warwick though, despite Warwick
feeling bad because Dionne couldn’t go down with them, which
all in all was very sweet.
There was one other incident when a
few of the teenage lads from a little further down the room decided
to head downstairs. On their way to the stairs they threw a few
plastic cups from the balcony into the crowd, obviously its one
of those things you find pretty funny at that age. There were a
couple of American girls just near us though, one of whom shouted
“Hey, don’t throw stuff! How old are you, seventeen?!”
The thing is they probably were about 17. In retrospect it was a
pretty weird age for her to pick. Maybe she should have aimed a
little lower.
It was during this time that the crowd
started to get excited as the piano was wheeled onto the stage.
And excited they should be, not just the fact that seeing a piano
in a band they like is a rarity in this guitar led genre, but this
is also Something Corporate’s iconic centrepiece and hook
– “a punk band with a piano! This is a great angle;
I think we could sell this!”
Now I’m not saying that this
is some gimmick and a mere marketer’s wet-dream, SoCo write
some absolutely excellent songs and I’ve no doubt that they
would be where they are with or without the old Joanna, but it is
still their icon and something visual to help them stand out from
the crowd, even though their music does that well enough.
So seeing the battered old punk-stickers covered piano being wheeled
onto centre stage only goes to stir up the already high levels of
anticipation from this crowd of emo-punk pop kids, because, like
the masks in Slipknot, and the kilts in Korn, the piano = SoCo –
only you see it before the band come onto the stage.
The lights dropped, you could just make out a floppy haired, scraggly
Andrew McMahon make his way to the piano, and so Something Corporate
kick off their short but sweet set with one of the more explosive
and dynamic tracks off their ‘Leaving Through The Window’
album, Hurricane.
It’s during this first song of
the 11 track set-list that makes you see the piano is more than
just an instrument and centrepiece – its also a very handy
stage prop for McMahon to stamp, kick, hit, and for end of set dynamics,
stage-dive off. It also acts as a handy pedestal for him to stand
on and sing from - which was a godsend for the poor short people
down on the floor who wouldn’t have been able to see anything
bar his floppy hair swishing around from time to time.
The set list was pretty solid, comprising
of everyone’s favourites from the album (with the exception
of my favourite ‘You’re Gone’ which they left
out). What was surprising was the inclusion of ‘Little’
three songs in, which no-one really knew, including Warwick. To
be honest I hadn’t heard the song myself. It was only later
I found out that its one of two extra tracks included on the UK
version of ‘Leaving Through The Window’.
I guess most people in the audience had imported US copies, and
SoCo’s plan to pander to the UK audience by playing tracks
on our version of the album backfired a bit. It could have been
worse; people could have started saying “What’s this?
I don’t recognise this song at all! I don’t need this
confusion, I’m going home. Come on, Simon, we’re leaving.”
Some of the highlights of the show
included Andrew giving a little ‘what this song is all about’
talk in the middle of ‘I Kissed A Drunk Girl’; him stamping
on and generally beating the crap out of his piano at the end of
‘If You C Jordan’ (he obviously still has issues with
this Jordan guy); and the inclusion of their big fan-favourite semi-solo
piano ballad ‘Konstantine’, of which he had to kindly
ask the crowd to “shut the fuck up”. The whole set ended
with current single ‘Punk Rock Princess’ which of course
everyone loved, and which ended, as previously mentioned, with Andrew
launching himself from his piano into the crowd.
also a very handy stage prop for McMahon to stamp, kick, hit,
and for end of set dynamics, stage-dive from." |
So looking at these photos you’d
think that maybe I was in a pretty good position after all. But
note how you can’t see the drummer in any of them. Nor any
of the Puddle Of Mudd pictures either. If only they’d stick
that stupid speaker stack somewhere a little further back. Poor
drummers. Actually, these are probably some of the worst pictures
I’ve taken. Mostly down to the fact that it really was a balancing
act getting into a good position to take them. Often resulting in
me getting uncomfortably close to ‘Dionne’ – all
I needed was a dirty mac and some thick-rimmed glasses. Oh, and
the band kept moving around too. Inconsiderate bastards.
They’re coming back to the UK
to play the London Astoria soon though, so make sure you catch them.
The set list was:
I Woke Up In A Car
Straw Dog
I Want To Save You
I Kissed A Drunk Girl
If You C Jordan
Punk Rock Princess
(for a limited time only)
You C Jordan (with Andrew going nuts at piano) [1m/8.7Mb]
Rock Princess [41s/6Mb]
sorry, the file sizes
are so big (I'll get a video compressor one day!)
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